DCX Power System 14 kWh
DCX Power System 14 kWh
The DCX Power Solution is the technology pioneering the electrification of the recreational and other aligned industries. Specifically designed for mobile applications, this patented holistic system solution provides and manages all power requirements for RVs, caravans and other similar applications. Engineered with a focus on convenience for the end user and the ease of install for the OEM, the DCX power solution redefines the currently accepted ad hoc solution approach in the industry today.
Based around system engineered safety principles and automotive battery cell chemistry, the DCX Power Solution operates on a nominal 51.1VDC platform. This results in a lightweight, powerful solution with reduced wire gauge, improved system efficiency and a smaller system footprint. The DCX Power Solution comprises two main components, the external mounted proprietary DCX Battery and the internal fitted DCX Power System.
The DCX Power System contains a powerful, pure sine wave inverter, capable of delivering 5,000 Watts / 230VAC continuously. This kind of power is made possible by the nominal DCX platform voltage of 51.1V. A traditional 12V installation is practically ‘capped out’ at 3,000 Watts due to the large current draw and the subsequent cable size required for this kind of power. The high-power output of the DCX Power system enables the true electrification of RVs, caravans and other mobile applications by allowing standard domestic appliances into a RVs and caravans and providing enough power to operate them simultaneously.
The DCX Power System provides three main effective ways of charging, 230VAC grid (or generator) charging, DC-DC* charging and Solar charging. Although all three methods provide convenient charging options, the DCX Power Solution has proven itself to be a reliable renewable energy solution. The DCX Power System can take up to 4000 Watts of solar power and use this to either charge the DCX Battery, power the loads connected to the DCX Power System or balance both. Based on the experiences of large numbers of DCX users, it has been proven that using renewable solar energy can provide enough power for comfortable sustained off-grid living. (* See website for availability of DC-DC)
To provide peace of mind, the DCX Power System is a complete plug & play solution. This means, if a unit does become faulty, there are no tools required to swap out a DCX Power System. Anyone, anywhere can unplug the faulty system and swap it for a replacement unit*. No need for time consuming trouble shooting or qualified tradespeople to get you going again. The convenience of plug & play also reaches down to the shop floor where repeatability, speed and ease of install make the DCX Power System a favoured product amongst many OEMs. Similarly, supplying a turnkey solution assures the system works as a whole and has passed extensive quality control testing. (* See full T&Cs for warranty details)
Based on a foundation of extensive shared knowledge from automotive, consumer goods and electronics industries, the DCX Power System has been designed as a system solution. This means safety is a proactive part of the ‘DNA’ of the DCX Power System, not a reactive add-on component. Combined with industry first, patented safety technologies and build in levels of redundancy, the DCX Power System level of safety is ‘world leading’. With compliance to all relevant national and international standards as a minimum, the DCX Power System bridges to many other ‘best
practice’ standards where clear legislation is missing to ensure safety is never a compromise.